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Australia-Japan Society of NSW

Calligraphy Performance and Workshop with Ren Yano, Plus AJS new venue celebration

  • 21 Feb 2018
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • HWL Ebsworth Office, Level 14 Australia Square, 264 George Street
  • 26


  • Everyone not AJS member
  • Students and concession holders

Registration is closed

This event is a unique opportunity to experience Japanese calligraphy, or 'shodo'.

Ren is an artist who specialises in ‘Shodo’, Japanese traditional calligraphy. After holding exhibitions in Tokyo and Osaka, he moved to Sydney in 1996. In 2003 he gained Australian permanent residence as an artist and has continued to practice and teach his art, which has been recognized both by the Japanese Foreign Ministry and in Australia.

We will have a talk about the history and status of Japanese Calligraphy, a performance by Ren, and a chance to practise calligraphy ourselves.

As usual there will be refreshments to follow.

Registrations are now open. Sign up online or use the form.

Please note our new location in Australia Square.

Watch Ren's performance on Youtube here.

About the Society

The Australia-Japan Society of NSW Incorporated (AJS-NSW) aims to bring together Australian and Japanese people living in NSW to explore mutual interests.

AJS-NSW holds regular business, social and cultural functions, at various locations around Sydney.

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PO Box 626 Campbelltown NSW 2560

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