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Australia-Japan Society of NSW

Special Cultural Event - Heian-era Knife Ceremony (包丁式)

  • 20 Nov 2023
  • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • The Japan Foundation Sydney, Level 4, 28 Broadway Chippendale NSW
  • 0


  • and guests of corporate members

Registration is closed

Invitation to Special Cultural Event - Knife Ceremony (包丁式)

This event is a recreation of an historical Japanese knife ceremony, the Houchou Shiki (包丁式). Houchou Shiki is a traditional Japanese ritual that was performed 1300 years ago as a way to present fish, poultry and other produce to Emperor Koukou, the 58th emperor of Japan.

We are honoured to have the opportunity to sponsor this event. You will join invited dignitaries and guests to view this once-in-a-lifetime cultural performance, performed by Hideo Dekura, well-known chef and Japanese Cuisine Goodwill Ambassador.

平安初期 1300年前 第58代光孝天王は料理に造詣深く宮中行事を再興され四條中納言を料理の祖神と定め四條流の包丁式が生まれました、ここに日本料理の原点が誕生致しました。

AJS members are limited to 30 people, so early registration is recommended.

The event is free to attend and the viewing of the ceremony will be followed by Japanese afternoon tea.

Note that this event is independent of the AGM that follows in the evening.

About the Society

The Australia-Japan Society of NSW Incorporated (AJS-NSW) aims to bring together Australian and Japanese people living in NSW to explore mutual interests.

AJS-NSW holds regular business, social and cultural functions, at various locations around Sydney.

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PO Box 626 Campbelltown NSW 2560

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